
Appreciate Now

Appreciate Now

Cultivate happiness and enjoy living in the here and now.
  • 5 minutes

  • Beginner

  • Guided Video

  • Compassion



    Appreciate Now

    Appreciate Now

    Cultivate happiness and enjoy living in the here and now.
    • 5 minutes

    • Beginner

    • Guided Video

    • Gratitude


      This practice is also a part of the Positive Mindfulness Programme

      How to do it
      The research behind it
      Why you should try it

      Mindfulness and acceptance practices can be incredibly beneficial for students in managing stress, improving focus, enhancing well-being, and promoting overall academic success. 

      Why it works

      Mindfulness training with the value of acceptance enhances the ability to notice interruptions without abandoning the current task. This improved skill allows individuals the option to remain focused on their current task for a longer duration, instead of reacting immediately to interruptions.

      Evidence that it works

      Levy, D. M., Wobbrock, J. O., Kaszniak, A. W., & Ostergren, M. (2012). The effects of mindfulness meditation training on multitasking in a high-stress information environment. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2012 (pp. 45-52).
      In this study, researchers conducted an experiment to investigate the impact of meditation training on multitasking behavior among knowledge workers. The study involved three groups of 12-15 human resources personnel. The first group underwent an 8-week mindfulness-based meditation training, the second group had a wait period, were tested, and then received the same 8-week training, and the third group underwent 8-week training in body relaxation. 

      The results revealed that only the group trained in meditation demonstrated better focus, made fewer task switches, and reported less negative emotion after task performance compared to the other two groups. Both the meditation and relaxation groups exhibited improved memory for the tasks they performed.
      Time Required

      5 minutes.

      A perfect practice to start the day or before doing something that requires you to focus, such as a revision session or a practice test paper. 

      How to Do It

      Mindfulness for Students itself is designed to be used by everyone and anywhere, and by doing so respects the simple beauty of practicing mindfulness. 

      Having said that their are some tips which include creating best environment to get the most of this mindfulness practice:
      • Before playing the guided mindfulness video, check that whatever device you are playing it from allows you to see and hear clearly

      • Make yourself before you start the practice that you are in a comfortable setting. A classroom, a library or your own calm space, where you won't be easily distracted will help

      • The position you practice mindfulness is very important. Seated on a chair is one of the greatest positions to properly practice mindfulness in. If you are seated, make sure the chair you are in is firm and supportive.
      Remember, with mindfulness, it is not about getting it right or wrong, but rather the practice itself and taking time for you to connect with the present moment. 
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